About Salem Indiana

SmallIndianaSalem is located in scenic Southern Indiana just 35 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky and less than 100 miles south of Indianapolis, Indiana. Salem is a great place to live and make a living. We have high achieving public schools, and a wide variety of community activities. Salem also has a strong and diverse economic base. If you're a visitor to Salem, we hope you will take note of our many unique and historic destinations. As a city, Salem has retained much of its small town flavor, a flavor that is enhanced by the city’s tree-lined streets, stately old homes and a friendly atmosphere that has been nurtured and handed down through the generations.

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SmallIndianaSalem is located in scenic Southern Indiana just 35 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky and less than 100 miles south of Indianapolis, Indiana. Salem is a great place to live and make a living. We have high achieving public schools, and a wide variety of community activities. Salem also has a strong and diverse economic base. If you're a visitor to Salem, we hope you will take note of our many unique and historic destinations. As a city, Salem has retained much of its small town flavor, a flavor that is enhanced by the city’s tree-lined streets, stately old homes and a friendly atmosphere that has been nurtured and handed down through the generations.


During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we raise awareness of the impact of domestic violence and renew efforts to bring an end to this issue. 

Domestic violence unfortunately continues to be one of the most underreported crimes. Statistics show that as much as 40% of women and 26% of men in Indiana have experienced some form of violence by a partner or spouse. These cases remain among the most difficult and complex cases to investigate and to ensure victim safety in the future. 

This type of violence may include physical, verbal, sexual, or psychological abuse including stalking, harassment, intimidation, isolation, financial control and more. Unfortunately, there are many reasons that make it difficult for domestic violence survivors to leave an abusive relationship (children, pets, finances, housing, love, etc.). This situation may seem difficult for the outside world to understand and collectively it can leave survivors feeling unsupported and hopeless. 

“It’s crucial that survivors of domestic violence have the support from our office and community,” said Washington County Prosecutor Tara Coats Hunt. “Too often these heinous acts go unreported for a wide variety of reasons, and many victims feel trapped with nowhere to go or are worried no one will believe them. We must educate ourselves on understanding domestic violence and how we can best support victims and their families." 

HappyHalloweenHalloween is full of treats for children who look forward to donning costumes and going door to door each year. However, this holiday can also have some tricks that we want you to be aware of before heading out. Costumes can obstruct vision and events that take place during the dark pose risks, to name a few.

“Halloween is a holiday children and many adults alike look forward to,” said Mayor Justin Green. “It’s fun to see everyone in costume and out going door to door trick or treating. Halloween also poses some potential dangers, so we want to offer some tips to help keep everyone safe.”

You can enjoy a fun and safe Halloween by following some simple safety guidelines.

The National Safety Council advises parents to choose costumes with care:

  • Make sure all costumes, wigs and accessories are fire-resistant.
  • Make sure costumes fit properly and aren’t difficult to walk in.
  • Attach a piece of reflective tape on your child’s costume to increase visibility.
  • Halloween make-up is safer than masks, which can obscure vision.

It’s very frightening to realize that children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than any other day of the year. Low visibility at dusk and dark contributes to this risk. The NSC advises:

  • Never allow children to go out alone. A responsible adult should always walk with trick or treaters.
  • If you do allow older children to go out alone, review a route beforehand and agree on a time they will return home.
  • Teach children to never enter a stranger’s home or car.
  • Tell children not to eat any treats until they return home, and you can check for any that could cause an allergic reaction.
  • Adults and children should put their cell phones away and pay close attention while walking and crossing streets.

Motorists should also pay extra attention while driving on Halloween.

The NSC urges motorists to follow these safety tips:

  • Watch closely for children walking on roadways, medians, and curbs.
  • Be very observant when entering and exiting driveways and alleys.
  • Watch for children in dark clothing, especially at twilight and at night.
  • Discourage new and inexperienced drivers from driving on Halloween.

 “In the weeks and days leading up to Halloween, we urge everyone to spend some time thinking about how to make the holiday safe,” said Mayor Green. “By taking a few simple steps beforehand and staying alert during trick or treat, you can ensure a fun and safe time for all.”

The City of Salem trick or treating event will be held on Thursday, October 31st from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. If you would like to have trick or treaters visit your home, please leave your porch light on during these hours.



The Senior Center is located at 1705 North Shelby Street and open Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 4:00pm. The upcoming events are provided in the calendar.

Click here to view the monthly events calendar



The Salem Urban Enterprise has renewed for another four years. It is now active through December, 2028.